say spaaaaaaah
how many times can you get massaged in a week?
Last week I went to the spa three times and as far as i know, that was my record. Of course those were legitimate spas, but that doesnt mean that flirting with, or at the very least looking at - others is not allowed.
Personally, I think that one should go to the spa for a massage at most once a week. Other times, one could try the other things offered in the spa, like body polish (havent tried that) or mud wrap (or that either), or foot spa (ive done that but in a salon) or scalp massage (that too, in a salon also.)
Of course that if one has the budget and the mindset for a week long spa experience. I dont. Ive important things to do - like eat and sleep... and procastinate. More on that later (see?)
By the time you guys read this ive regained my backbone, after turning into jello after the third massage.
Also its panic time- I've a major major exam this sunday... and I still haven't seen my dang passport.
-not another scorpio