not again!!!????

Friday, February 18, 2005

one down, five to go

ive just finished my mathematics of finance comprehensive exam.

five more to go.

Friday, February 11, 2005

what to do on valentine's day

call me jaded but i think valentine's day is just a humongous maketing tool started by hallmark and FTD (florists) and perpetuated today by the dark forces of commercialism.

so on valentines night, i went to school and reviewed mathematics of finance with friends who are classmates.

i dont think i'll ever have a nice romantic valentines day, except with my first beau, hence the term BOO -- more appropriate for holloween, mainly because we were roomates at the graduate dorm. and since we were both faculty, there was some thing about faculty that they only allowed two faculty per room, instead of the usual four.

more next time.

Saturday, February 05, 2005

here i go again.

seeing his pics.

i'll deal with sun later.

how could i not love his smile.

alas, he is not for me.

happy valentine's S.

youll always have a space in my heart.

now where's that sun.

Thursday, February 03, 2005


do not buy anything from sun cellular.

not worth it.

my second month load hasnt arrived yet. and its already the third day

i bought a sureload 1800 phonekit, surely, the load hasnt arrived yet.
